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Find Your Lilt® 2.0

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Want to read a bit more to see if this program is a good fit for you? You're on the right page! :)

“One of the best investments I've made to improve my playing. Hannah's course is well thought out, professionally presented, and the wealth of tips and tricks she offers will take your playing to the next level. I highly recommend it!”

— Clayton Peters, Find Your Lilt® Alumni

Do any of these scenarios sound relatable to you?

  • You're a self taught fiddler and have made some good strides in Irish traditional music already, and you're at a place where you know you'd benefit from the guidance of an instructor to help you work through some of the nuances and technique that comes with playing your fiddle.

  • You didn't touch a violin for decades, then recently picked it up again after your kids went off to college, and have fallen in love with all things Irish. You're fairly comfortable with playing your instrument, although you're feeling a little unfamiliar with how to make your playing sound more "Irish." 

  • You experience some frustration when it comes to your bowing, not knowing quite what to do with it to achieve the sound you want -- and you know that a crucial part of Irish fiddling comes from the bow!  

  • You know the bow is really where it's at, and you would like to get a wealth of tips and good exercises to try for developing better tone, wrist flexibility, rhythm and phrasing.

If any of the above descriptions are something you've felt recently when it comes to your fiddling, I highly suspect you'd get a lot out of this course! Let's do a mini exercise to check this!

Imagine where you could be a year from now after regularly implementing the exercises taught in this course and applying them consistently to your practice routine... You may find yourself saying:

  • Having something to help keep me accountable while sticking to a practice schedule I can sustain long-term has prompted me to play more and to think about what it is I'm playing. That level of detail has allowed me to progress in my playing in ways I didn't think possible!
  • I used to have to think about where my bow was hitting the strings and how to stay consistent with my rhythm -- now those things are second nature!
  • I start sets in my local session, and each tune I play feels polished and embodies a style I'm proud to have developed.

I can promote this course all day long, but in the end I’m a bit biased! So to help you decide if Find Your Lilt® is a good fit for you I asked my student, Bill Cline, if he would take a couple minutes to talk about how the course has helped him. Watch his story below!

What's Included in Find Your Lilt® 2.0

This is a pre-recorded course, so you can move through the material at your own pace without needing to attend any live calls or commit to showing up at a certain time each week. That being said, it is beneficial to set aside specific time to dedicate to completing the course -- you get to determine when that time best fits you and your schedule. :)

You'll receive:

  • 8 modules primarily composed of video tutorials ranging anywhere from a couple minutes to 35 minutes
  • Links to additional supplemental material that can assist your fiddle technique practice
  • Priority response time to any questions you have as you move throughout the course. I check emails daily Mon-Fri and am usually able to respond within 2 business days. 
  • Comments section spaces to connect with other course members and share your insights
  • Access to any and all future upgrades to this course at no additional charge (+ opportunity to leave feedback on how to improve your course experience)

“This is an excellent course that I strongly recommend for people who want to take their playing to the next level. Hannah presents an organized approach to develop a strong foundation of skills so you can continue to learn and grow as a fiddler.”

— Colleen Schuster, Find Your Lilt® Alumni

Meet your Instructor:

My name is Hannah Harris, and I am so excited to work with you!

I practice what I preach, and every single exercise in this course is something that has helped me along my own fiddling path. 

You see, I started off as a classical violinist. Despite taking Suzuki lessons from age 5, I couldn’t play a roll well until I was 20. Up until 2014, I was self taught. When I began attending workshops and events like the Swannanoa Gathering, I started to see real progress. Having an instructor guide me through my fiddling obstacles, even for a short period of time made all the difference.

I went from having zero lilt, and a jerky uncoordinated bow to the loose, fluid motion you see in my videos today. I love these live events, and plan to attend them again, but the thing that most excites me about this course is that I’m able to turn around and give you what the instructors at Swannanoa gave me. And the best part is we don’t have to wait for July to come around, or any other specific time to take action and get results. That time is now. And thanks to technology we can connect and move the needle forward on your fiddling goals from wherever, whenever we want!

I look forward to connecting with you personally inside of Find Your Lilt®.



Find Your Lilt® is back and better than ever in its 2.0 version! I'm so excited you're interested in this course, so please do click around in the teaser module to see what all is included in this experience -- or dive right in by clicking the button below!

9 Modules

What's Inside Find Your Lilt®

Sneak peek! If you're curious about purchasing this course, or you're getting started and want to see what you're in for, then you can peruse this overview slideshow of what's included in Find Your Lilt® 2.0. :)

Intro - The Basics

This is where you'll build your foundations for a successful lilt - both on the fiddle and in your mind. We're taking a well rounded approach to getting the real feel for Irish fiddling, and this module will equip you with those necessary tools.


How do I get my fiddle to sound like " insert x ideal tone quality here"? This is the part of the course to find out! We'll explore the 5 elements of good tone and do a lot of experimenting to get you to a place where you're happy with the tone quality you're producing on the fiddle.

Wrist Flexibility

If your bow arm is feeling less than relaxed, and the amount of wrist movement some fiddlers achieve is boggling your mind, then this is where we'll be addressing that! You'll learn exercises to encourage smoother wrist movement, which in turn will benefit all the other elements you're working on: tone, rhythm and phrasing.


Time to get groovy! If I'm doing my job right, you won't be able to get these rhythms out of your head -- which is exactly where they need to be if you're aiming for better consistency in your tunes! This module contains rhythm playalong exercises for every tune type within Irish music (yes even hop jigs and mazurkas).


Phrasing is the last of our core essentials for good Irish fiddling. This is where you start to transition from the bare bones structure into self expression, personal style, and your truly unique voice and lilt. You'll get lots of bowing and emphasis suggestions, which you can use as the building blocks in creating a style that honors the tradition and also puts your own spin on it.

Mindset Check In

By this point in the course, you may need a little rest and reminder of why you're putting this effort into learning how to master the feel of Irish fiddling. Consider this your pitstop -- a chance to process all you've learned and gear up for how to use your newfound skills going forward. You've got this, friend!

Sparkle! All the fun extra bits.

Did someone say... guest trainings from Liz Carroll and Andrew Finn Magill? It's an honor to have these two Irish fiddling experts provide their wisdom and insight into the world of ornamentation and variation + you'll get some extra bonus trainings from me as well.

Your next steps

You've completed the course, absorbed a lot of information, played a bunch of exercises and done a lot of self assessment. So what do you do with all this now? I've got a few suggestions on how to continue your skill development, whether that's on your own, in a group, or with me -- there's a next step for everyone!

Modules for this product 9
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